7 key elements for success of any outbound campaign

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1. Lead Contactability: Ensure your team can call leads on both landline and mobile numbers. This way, the CLI (Caller Line Identification) that consumers see could be either a landline or mobile, maximizing the chances of connecting with the leads.


2. Call Recording: Record the calls made by your agents or confirmers. This allows you to review their pitches and gain valuable insights not only on their performance but also on your offer to consumers. This information is far more reliable than anecdotal feedback, avoiding the classic problem of a “bad workman blaming their tools.”


3. Extended Working Hours: Have your team work until 7:30 PM from Monday to Thursday, with Friday potentially having earlier hours. At a minimum, ensure extended hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays to increase the likelihood of reaching consumers. Additionally, once a month, conduct calls on a Saturday from 10 AM to 5 PM to follow up with consumers who didn’t respond during the week.


4. Call Disposition: Establish a clear system for how your team should categorize each call they make. Dispositions refer to how they mark a lead after calling. While a sample disposition list is attached, it should be customized to fit your specific campaign needs.


5. Dialer and CRM Usage: Utilize a dialer and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to manage data and dispositions. Without these tools, you miss out on numerous advantages that can make or break an outbound campaign, such as:

a. Increased Talk Time:
Manual dialing results in an agent speaking for 10 to 12 minutes per hour. Using preview or power modes increases this to 20 to 25 minutes, and predictive mode can achieve over 40 minutes of talk time per hour.
b. Managing Call Outcomes: Efficiently handle hundreds or thousands of call outcomes.
c. Easy Reporting: Generate reports with ease.
d. Call Monitoring: Listen to voice recordings of your agents’ calls.
e. Improved Connectivity: Use different CLIs to enhance connectivity rates.


6. Comprehensive Training: Provide your agents with a complete training pack that includes opening scripts, common questions they might encounter, and responses to rebuttals. Consistency in approach is key to successfully contacting leads.


7. Share the knowledge: Make sure you share with your agents exactly what the lead type is and wording of the question set or script so they know what information has already been collected for the lead to be a lead.

If you lack any of the above resources or need assistance, please speak to your account manager. We are here to help.

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