Consumer Data Leads

This database is suitable for the
following purposes:

• Direct Mail / Postal Campaigns
• Outbound Telephone Campaigns
• Bespoke Campaigns
• Lead Generation


This is a unique database created by DBI using our
in-house direct marketing questionnaire team. Our marketing
team have personally called opted-in members of the public
to discover consumers’ affluence and to reveal more insights
surrounding their shopping preferences.

Click the video below for a quick 50 second overview of this database

DBI is a data owner and controller.


We have full transparency regarding our data and we can trace our data back to the opt in/time and date stamp. All our calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.


Our question set used to harvest this consumer shopping database is a warm, soft approach designed to gain the precise information required. The primary aim of the question is to discover which supermarket brand the consumer regularly shops with.


The entire database is non-TPS registered.


Recent market research has shown that 75% of UK consumers claim to be loyal shoppers. We feel this database will be accurate up to an 18 months period from when each record was created.

Question Set:

Below is the question we asked UK consumers to attain the required information:

“On behalf of Save Home Shopping, Could I ask where do you do your weekly food shop?” If the consumer answered positively by answering to any of the following outlets Marks and Spencer, Waitrose, Sainsburys, Tesco, Asda, Iceland, Aldi, Lidl This is a lead.

Affluence Order:

Below is an affluence order of the UK supermarket landscape. The most expensive UK supermarkets are at the top, with the least expensive outlets at the bottom.

    1. Marks and Spencer
    2. Waitrose
    3. Sainsburys
    4. Asda
    5. Tesco
    6. Iceland
    7. Aldi
    8. Lidl
    9. Other

By harvesting this information, we have built a data profile which insightfully provides an indicator of the consumers disposable income.

Profile Figures:

The below percentages indicate the profile of our data. Please note these percentages are a guideline and can change weekly.



Individual age brackets:
18-24, 25-24, 35-44, 45-54,
55-64, 65-74, 75-80



Non Homeowners 57.88%







Data Profile:

Below is a profile of the information we hold for each record who responded positively to the consumer marketing questionnaire:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Age Bracket
  • Male / Female
  • Postal codes
  • Telephone Number
  • Home Address
  • Homeowner/Not Homeowner
  • All records are Non-TPS
  • Employed/Unemployed/Retired


All records for this database are charged at just 30p each (Inc VAT). Discounts can be offered for larger orders. Volumes are available on request.

Sample Script


By clicking the icon below, you can listen to one of the calls we made during our UK marketing questionnaire:

If you are unable to listen to the call, please see below a transcript of the call.

“Hi! It’s (Agent Name) from SAVE TODAY and the reason for my call is to ask you just a few simple yes or no direct marketing questions, I promise to be quick. Is this ok?”

The agent then reads the opt in statement, which is read to all consumers before continuing. This is to maintain GDPR compliance and advise the consumer of their rights.

“Just to let you know that our privacy policy is available on our website, Save Today relies on legitimate interests as the lawful basis of processing your data. At the end of the call you will hear a recorded message again with this information. Further, all calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes. SAVE TODAY and its 3rd party clients including XXXX, XXX AND XXX and from industries such as telecom, insurance, utility, home improvement, warranty, charity, automotive, gaming, mail order and travel companies may contact you for up to 12 months via telephone to offer promotions, market their products or services or to update your preferences.”

If the consumer offers no rejection to the opt in statement, the telesurvey question to gain the required information is then asked:

“On behalf of Save Home Shopping, Could I ask where do you do your weekly food shop?”

The agent will then select from a drop down box the supermarket outlet the consumer has mentioned.

Closing Statement

“Thanks very much for your time today. Before you hear the recorded message, we mentioned at the start of the call, if at any point you wish to opt out of future marketing simply go to, also on this site you will find our privacy policy. Have a great day and good bye.”

Recorded Message:

Save today is a trading style of DBI which is a registered company with ICO number ZA183726. To opt out of future marketing, you may call our Customer Care number 0203 129 9962.

Depending on your answers, your data may be shared with the following industries as mentioned at the start of the call.

  • Professional Services such as charities, solicitors, financial advisors or consultants.
  • Financial Services such as Mortgage, Loans, Funeral Plans and Wills.
  • Agencies and Brokers who buy and sell consumer data in the UK.
  • Telecoms and Broadband Companies offering mobile phone, landline, broadband and technology.
  • Household Service Companies such as utility, gas, electric and solar.
  • Insurance and warranty companies such as car, home, pet and electrical goods cover.
  • Lifestyle, leisure and retail companies such as home improvements, white goods, and high street brands.
  • Automotive such as the car, bike and caravan industry.
  • Gaming, Mail order, Media and Travel industry.
  • Health / Mobility such as cosmetics and mobility aids.

Thanks very much for your time today, have a great day and good bye.

Monthly Production

The graph below provides an indicator of the volumes of data we collect for this question set per month.

License and Exclusivity Period

License Period
The data base license is 60 days giving ample time to contact and speak to each of the consumers. The data you have paid for will not be remarketed or sold to anyone else for the whole 60 days. If an extension is needed from 60 days please speak to your DBI point of contact for pricing on this.

Exclusivity Period
This is a unique data base. We are a data owner and controller. This means we can monitor who rents the data and for what type of industry. The data base can only be rented to one industry vertical at one time, and only 4 times for the vertical per year. Our fair use policy means the data will not be oversold and allows all buyers an equal and fair opportunity to work the base.

Quality and Compliance
To ensure all the data we collect and manage is accurate and verified, all our calls are recorded. We have our own in-house quality assurance team who vigorously check calls to ensure our agents are performing their duties diligently and professionally. Should you have any issues with the data we  provide, we can trace the consumers responses back to the original telesurvey.

Data Provenance
DBI buys data every month from a number of sources all of which have our brand Save Today opted in, allowing us to call the consumer and carry out a marketing questionnaire. If you require further evidence supporting this please e-mail compliance at and request an NDA for sources of data proof.

Call Recordings
As part of our commitment to transparency and how we collect our data, we have 5 call recordings from
our UK Supermarket Shopping telesurvey which you can download by clicking the link below. To protect the privacy of the consumer, the consumer name and address have been bleeped out. You can download the call recordings here:

Data Accuracy

Data accuracy is at the forefront of everything we do. In order to ensure our data is 100% accurate, we will undertake the following validation checks before we send any data to our clients.


Postal Address File (PAF) Validation. This is used to check the home address of the consumer record is correct. We will cross reference our consumer data against the Royal Mail postal address file. This is to ensure we have the correct home address or our records.
HLR Lookup (Mobile Validation) serves to cleanse our data and optimise the functioning of the data. HLR Lookup (Mobile Validation) cleans our data of dead, fake and inaccurate numbers.
Deceased Validation. This check is undertaken to validate that the prospect has not passed away since the record was created


Call Handling / Opportunities


Hours of dialling Success:
Following our 6 years of dialling experience, and using feedback gained from our clients, we recommend calling this data set 10am to 8pm, allowing for team breaks and lunches. We recommend CLI use to be compliant but changing the CLI every two weeks to allow for network blocking of CLI’s.


Consent Approval


Opt Out Process. We make it simple for consumers to opt out of our marketing activities. This can be done by email or telephone.

For telephone calls and emails:


Step 1: Record the reason for the consumer wanting to opt out
Step 2: Make a note of the consumers full name, address, postcode, gender, and all other information required to identify that consumer on our database
Step 3: Assure the consumer that their details will be removed from our databases
Step 4: Email to compliance


Our Contact Details


Please feel free to contact us and we will come back to you asap.
Telephone number 0203 630 8888
Email – or

Contact our team at DBI today!

If you would like to discuss your data requirements or marketing needs, please call us or complete the enquiry form below.