Australian Charity Donators Database

 In Uncategorized

This database has been collected via direct marketing questionnaires by telephone to Australian consumers who are charity donators. The consumers has been asked questions surrounding various charities which vary from giving to children’s causes, the elderly, plus local and national causes.

These consumers took part in a quick 5-minute direct marketing questionnaire and have all opted in to our brand, Charity Today.

You can only rent this data if you are calling for charity donations. The consumers have not opted in for any other commercial products or services.

Below is a gender breakdown of our database:

Female – 44,621 records

Male – 28,305 records.

Opted In Question

Here is the opted in question used during our direct marketing questionnaires:

“Hi, its ____ calling from Charity Today the reason for my call is we are conducting a short Yes or No charity questionnaire on behalf of some of Australia’s most well known charities. Is it ok to begin?

Total Charity Today Opted In Count


Below is a breakdown of charities people give to

Medical – 38,473

Animal – 16,395

Children – 12,150

Heritage – 3,218

To discover more, contact us at:

0203 630 8888

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